
Showing posts from May, 2022


We are running circles and looking for someone to blame for everything wrong in this world. The truth is: it’s them, and it has ALWAYS been them Use contact form for FREE pdf or ebook file


READ CHAPTER HERE public domain “They” tell us we can’t go back to the OLD WAY, to be realistic. But there is no old way, no new way, there is a way of life. We must live in balance with the EARTH. WE must do it. We have no choice. They want to break our spirit. They will do everything to break our spirit, our will to live. WE MUST LEARN TO RESIST. – John Trudell (Meteors Image, see footnote) John gets it… “They” are the INVISIBLES, the force you and I and our ancestors have been dealing with for centuries. You are not told how powerful you are... Seventh Fire Prophecy In 1988, Edward Benton-Banai documented this prophecy in The Mishomis Book : “The time of the Seventh Fire New People will emerge.  They will retrace their steps to find what was left by the trail.  Their steps will take them to the Elders who they will ask to guide them on their journey.  But many of the Elders will have fallen asleep.  They will awaken to this new time with nothing to offer


Inscriptions on the base of base of a statue at Amenhotep III’s Memorial Temple lists a number of cities located in the Aegean under the headings of Keftiu and Tanaja (identified as Mainland Greece). Interestingly, the first two it lists for Keftiu (Crete) are Amun-Sah (Amnisa) and Ka-Anu-Sah (Kunusa). These are respectively, Amnisos (the ancient port of Knossos) and Knossos itself.