Chapter Two DANGER (updated)
The danger of doing that, as Nietszche famously warned, is that the abyss will start to stare back into you. Too much focus on the darkness and you can forget about the existence of light. Aldous Huxley summed up the problem in The Devils of Loudon : No man can concentrate his attention upon evil, or even upon the idea of evil, and remain unaffected. To be more against the devil than for God is exceedingly dangerous. Every crusader is apt to go mad. He is haunted by the wickedness which he attributes to his enemies; it becomes in some sort a part of him. - Paul Kingsnorth READ THE COMPLETE CHAPTER HERE AUGUST 2022 - book images have disappeared... danger?? DANGEROUS BEYOND ANYTHING WE COULD HAVE IMAGINED: I go through waves of fear then excitement then more fear writing this chapter, thinking about dangerous people. This chapter is all about danger. And I might be right about this book disappearing on GOOGLE. I want you to do this: PROTECT YOURSELF, then your family